Ampex Data Systems has recently delivered the first miniRv2 Solid State Recorder to the Air Force in support of flight test operations. Although Ampex’s original miniR700 Data Acquisition and Storage Device is still a staple in the flight test community, the new miniRv2 adds network file server capability that allows for traditional, IRIG106 Chapter 10 recording and network centric topologies (iNET, IENA, DAR capable).
The miniRv2 provides the same SWaP as the original at less cost and also maintains the backward compatibility of the original’s data acquisition modules, so customers can still use them with the new version – more cost savings! Finally, the miniRv2 adds a new Intel Atom CPU, a new multiplexer, higher speed interfaces, and the Ampex Common Compute Environment (ACCE). ACCE is the most feature rich software suite for data acquisition and management in the industry.